
Me-time: 5 selfcare tips!

13 December 2021

In these busy and crazy times we sometimes forget to really take good care of ourselves. You might miss some vitamin D because of the lack of sunshine, think too little of yourself sometimes or miss social contact due to the lockdown. That sucks, but fortunately you can do something about it.

1. Books

Daily life is often busy enough. You can create a moment of peace with a good book. Haemin Sumin wrote a book called The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down. It's a beautiful book that gives you just the right tools to create more peace in your mind.

The Self-Care Year is a beautiful book that helps you guide through the seasonal changes. How can you re-connect with your body and mind, slow down, live in tune with the seasons and pay attention to the present. It also offers you tips for better sleep and yoga and mediation exercises.

2. Podcasts

A podcast is wonderful. No matter what time of day it is, you can always listen 🎧. Make some time for yourself and put in your earplugs. An interesting podcast is this episode with Jeff Sanders on the podcast called Legendary Life. How can waking up early change your life? What is the key to productivity and how do I find my passion? Listen to find out!

Do you need some encouragement to start a new habit? Every episode of The Habit Coach covers one topic varying from sleep to productivity and much more. The best part about this podcast is that the episodes are less than 10-minutes long.

3. Walking

It is important to enjoy the few rays of sunshine Mother Nature gives us in the winter. Frederic Gros, professor of philosophy at the University of Paris, has written a book about walking and the influence it can have on our thinking and mental state. Some 450,000 Dutch people suffer from winter depression every year. Walking helps to create vitamin D and in the morning to create energy.

So choose a nice route and go for a nice walk! This winter walks list will show you several routes that are great to hike during the cold months, just a bit of me-time. You can also take a hiking buddy with you, and the kilometres will be over before you know it. Did you know that some of our hostels are right on the coast? That's a great way to get some fresh air!

4. Excercises

Making time for exercise is not always easy, but the feeling afterwards is wonderful! Down Dog Yoga is a perfect app for both the beginner and the more experienced yogi. You can choose the duration of the yoga class, the level at which you do it, what you want to focus on and what music you like. By the way, did you know that the happiness hormone dopamine is released during movement? Even more reasons to get active.

If you are more into fitness, the '7 Minute Workout' is perfect. Choose one of the categories and you have a 7 minute workout. The short sessions make it easier to fit into your day. No more excuses not to exercise. Or check out the Youtube channel of Wouter peelen, he has put together a week's work-out! Start your day well with a nice work-out. You will definitely feel better after this week!

5. Cooking

You come home from work in a hurry, you're hungry and would rather order something to eat. Nobody wants to spend hours in the kitchen, but luckily it doesn't have to be that difficult! Thinking about what you're going to eat at the start of the week saves you one hurdle. Jamie Oliver, one of the best and most popular chefs, has written the book 5 Minutes. All the recipes have 5 ingredients, are not too difficult and within no time you will have an impressive dinner on the table.

Make it a nice self-care moment. Cook something you like and put on your favourite music. A happy playlist full of sing-alongs and hits that you can't stop listening to. Do you want to feel like you're on holiday this winter? Then listen to this playlist. Dinner is also the perfect time to get creative. Set the table with the most beautiful tableware, light the candles and get fresh flowers for the table. This list will inspire you. A fun evening is guaranteed!