From Romans to Rietveld

City history, old art, modern art, applied art and design, and fashion: these are the five pillars that come together in the Centraal Museum.

With so much variation, this museum in Utrecht offers inspiration to everyone.

“From the Romans and Rietveld furniture to Viktor & Rolf, Dick Bruna and contemporary art: the Centraal Museum offers inspiration for everyone.”

The Centraal Museum is the oldest urban museum in the Netherlands. It started as an exhibition space in Utrecht’s city hall in 1838, but has grown into a museum with a very extensive collection of art and culture. From the time the Romans occupied Utrecht to Rietveld furniture, but also fashion designs by Viktor & Rolf and, of course, the drawings of Miffy’s father, Dick Bruna, are part of the collection. The beautiful Museumcafé Centraal is the perfect way to end the day and process all the impressions gained.

Hey, did you know?

The Centraal Museum has the largest collection of Rietveld designs in the world, including the famous Rietveld Schröderhuis. If you’d like to visit this house, you must reserve in advance. Groups can also visit the model house on the Erasmuslaan 9.

  Centraal Museum
Address: Agnietenstraat 1, Utrecht      

Centraal Museum